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May Burnout Support Group: How You Cope with Chronic Stress Can Be Keeping You In Burnout


May Burnout Support Group: How You Cope with Chronic Stress Can Be Keeping You in Burnout

May 23rd, 7p

Online Via Zoom

We will continue the discussion on how you cope with chronic stress can be keeping you in burnout as we all do self-soothing behaviours when we feel overwhelmed to calm ourselves but these patterns can be what is keeping you stuck. 

We will discuss different coping patterns to help you recognize what you do (no shame, this is how you’ve learned to cope with life) then discuss alternative patterns you can start to implement.

Facilitated by Doris, RN who worked as a nurse for over 20 years experiencing many cycles of burnout during her career. Now she works with nurses experiencing burnout in 1:1 coaching and brings all her knowledge and experience to healthcare workers in workshops focusing on getting Beyond Burnout.